Eventful February


Another month down. As the weather slowly improves, we're seeing a few patients who've been in hibernation over the winter start to come out as they think about their health in the year ahead.

Here's a quick recap of what's been happening this month.

PS: Remember, you can follow me on LinkedIn to see these as they happen...

RCT Review

Interestingly not so much from the RCT's to end this month, well certainly not at this stage.

Persistent Plantar Fasciopathy


Had a really interest case where clear signs of a tear of the Plantar Fascia duration 18 months resulting from sporting activities. The patient had visited a local consultant who uses RSWT but the problem being that the devise is a desk top version and I really have concerns with the amount of energy that can be delivered in order for angiogenesis to occur. There may also be loss of energy being delivered and consequntial poor cavitation!

This patient presented to me as he had a course of treatment but very poor outcome and if Im being terribly honest, have seen a few from Laptop shockwave devices.

Im very pleased to say that I have helped this man get to 80%, his 5th shockwave treatment was delivered after this video and I will be following up in 4 weeks time. Interesting point was that he was incredibly tender on the medial tubercle of the calcaneus as you would expect, but also that in the fat pad. Both not unusual but not to that degree , I treated accordingly following Yangs study on the elbow where considerations looked a failed treatments, really giving the patient as much as they could tollerate was followed. Those that have read my posts from the past will no my thoughts on energy and this is also very clear in my book.

Yangs study: Yang et al., Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2017;96:93-100.

Just a tip with recalcitrant PF, always check the achilles you may need to apply 1000 shots 8HZ . 2-3 bar should help if necessary.

BSWA UK Conference

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Finally, it's 4 weeks to go to the 3rd Shockwave UK conference which takes place in London on 24th March. Yours truly will be speaking amongst some very learned experts in the field of Shockwave Therapy.

You can register here